
Towards a European Strategy for soil protection

International conference

Turin, July 13th 2018

July 13th, 2018 - Botanical Garden of the University of Turin | Via PA. Mattioli, 25 Turin

European success cases and most innovative methods to contrast land use, decontamination and remediation of polluted sites

The elimination of SOIL CONSUMPTION and promoting sustainable methods of RECLAMATION and REGENERATION of SOILS POLLUTED are two of the pillars of the Thematic Strategy for soil protection promoted by the EU. There are 340,000 sites throughout Europe that require remediation and only 15% of these have been carried out or are being remediated.
The adoption of good practices on the protection and remediation of polluted soils is still largely far from widespread and effective diffusion.
The conference aims to share TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS and SUCCESSFUL METHODS able to become a SUSTAINABLE and REPLICABLE MODEL at the EUROPEAN level.
10.00 Welcome
Cristina Giovanna Varese, University of Turin
Ilaria Re, Consorzio Italbiotec

10.30 PhytoSUDOE. Phytoremediation for the improvement of biodiversity and restore ecosystem services
María Balseiro-Romero, University of Santiago
11.00 S.O.S. 4 LIFE – Save Our Soil for LIFE
Stefano Bazzocchi, Forlì Municipality
11.30 BioresNova. Recupero e valorizzazione di suoli e sedimenti contaminati.
Simona Di Gregorio, University of Pisa
Alessandro Gentini, Teseco reclamation

12.00 Kill Spill. Integrated biotechnological solutions for combating marine oil spills
Fabrizio Beltrametti, Actygea Srl
12.30 Re-Horti: Strategies to reuse urban areas for horticulture
Valeria Tigini, University of Turin

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