The communication and dissemination activities are a key elements of the LIFE BIOREST exploitation strategy. In this section you can access of the all promotion documentation, from the Dissemination Plan to the communication kit for schools and stakeholders to the press and publications produced by the project partners.Results and the key data produced during the project are also available.
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Ex Carbochimica, Fidenza as international bioremediation case study. Use of microorganisms to clean up petroleum contaminated soil
The "green model" in the international spotlight. Frontiers in Microbiology has published a focus on ongoing experimentation
Will fungi free us from pollutants? Visit to the Micoteca of the University of Turin, partner of the LIFE BIOREST project.
Here's how mushrooms will save us from pollution. Nearly two years ago a European bioremediation project started on the Fidenza site.
Life Biorest here fungus-eating pollution. Discovered a new type of fungus able to eat the pollutants that are found in poisoned soils.
CALUSO - I.I.S. Martinetti participates in the Green Protection Day, an event dedicated on soil pollution education .
Fidenza, students involved in restoring ex Carbochimica. Training opportunities for students of "Paciolo-D'Annunzio" and the "Solari" High schools.
Six projects made in Italy, funded by 14 million euros, were told on LIFE Programme Open Day organized by Life Biorest.
200 bacteria "eat-oil" weaned along the Emilia street. "Polluted land remediation: bacteria, fungi and plants new secret weapons"
Catholic University, open to schools. "The students of the Agricultural Technical Institute meet the university "colleagues"
Life Biorest among LIFE projects presented in 2015, "37 new LIFE Italian environmental, nature and climate projects have been approved"
Life Biorest for the remediation of contaminated soil, the meeting with students of Monticelli "Fungi and bacteria that" eat "hydrocarbons"
Kick-off meeting of LIFE BIOREST "Environmental polluted polluted soil, Catholic University partner of the project"
Fidenza tests the strategy to bring new green spaces back to the city, “Teatro Magnani. Life Biorest, strategies for for new green lands”
An innovative project to restore green spaces in Fidenza, "A big project on bioremediation and restoration of contamintaed soils"
A great scientific project "Life Biorest: Fidenza an innovative project of bioremediation"
Fidenza, Andrea Massari and Paola Gazzolo, "Meeting at Teatro Magnani. Life Biorest, strategies for new green land"
The Piacenza "Telelibertà" broadcaster dedicated to LIFE Biorest the cover of "Fuori Sacco" show focused on Reseacrhe and Innovation
Green Protection Day. Biotechnologies to protect the environment. 250 students welcomed by the University of Turin to celebrate the European Biotech Week.
EU Biotech Week Biotechnology is for you! 200 students from Bologna and Modena are protagonists of an interactive game to know the soil pollution closely.
@EUBiotechWeek: Science Ambassadors. Biotechnology is for you! 200 students welcomed at the Golinelli Foundation. The #VerdePerTutti contest is on the way
@EUbiotechWeek Green protection day. Green biotechnologies for environmental protection. The University of Turin welcomes 250 students to talk about soil, pollution and bioregion.
Biological Remediation of contaminated sites: the European project LIFE Biorest enlisted 50 students from Fidenza Hight schools
Green protection day. Green biotechnologies for environmental protection. The University of Turin opens the doors to 250 students to talk about soil and environment defense.
LIFE Programme OPEN DAY "Green pathways to sustainable use of resources". Networking and celebration of 25 years of LIFE Programme
Lombardy Green Chemistry Cluster "Biotech & Bioeconomy Joint Call 2017. Network, Innovation and Enterprise"
LIFE BIOREST Kick-off meeting "Bioremediation, revegetation and restoration of polluted soils."
Fidenza, LIFE BIOREST Kick-off meeting "Fidenza: an European model to give new green lands to the community "
The final report of LIFE Biorest aims to summarize the results obtained in accordance with the objectives and the strategies developed.
Mycelium-Enhanced Bacterial Degradation of Organic Pollutants under Bioavailability Restriction
Strategies to Increase Bioavailability and Uptake of Hydrocarbons
This Guideline has the objective of presenting to the local authorities the collected and elaborated recommendations and results obtained through the LIFE BIOREST project
Environmental guideline for contaminated soil bioremediation EN | ES | FR | IT
Summary and information tool on the most significant results obtained by LIFE BIOREST.
A mapping of the state of reclamation of the Sites of National and Regional Interest.
Molecular and Microbiological Insights on the Enrichment Procedures for the Isolation of Petroleum Degrading Bacteria and Fungi
Ci sono oltre 5mila funghi che arrivano da tutto il mondo e sono custoditi gelosamente alla Micoteca dell’Università degli studi di Torino
Strategies to Increase Bioavailability and Uptake of Hydrocarbons
Mycelium-Enhanced Bacterial Degradation of Organic Pollutants under Bioavailability Restrictions
Sustainability and environmental control. "Bioremediation of soil hydrocarbon-contaminated"
Read the article | Ecoscienza No. 4 July 2017
Biorest publishes the first issue of his newsletter. From our labs: 300 fungi and 140 bacteria isolated | Events: start the school's environmental education path, an Open Day to celebrate the 25th anniversary of LIFE Program, Biorest at BIOBIO2017.
Today in Fidenza the strategy, objectives and methods that will be applied by the project funded by the LIFE Program. Took part the Mayor of Fidenza Andrea Massari, the Councilor for Environmental Policies of the Emilia-Romagna Region Paola Gazzolo and all project partners.
“Bioremediation, revegetation and environmental recovery in the Ex Carbochimica Fidenza” a project for the restoration of polluted soils, a European model of bioremediation.
Read the article | Recover n. 37 Dicember 2016
Soil pollution: what are the consequences for the environment and health? What are biological tools and methods for decontamination?
Soil bioremediation
Communications, events and dissemination strategy
This document describes the dissemination plan of LIFE BIOREST. Its purpose is to formalize all the communication and dissemination activities provided by the project, in order to plan and monitor the effectiveness of planned actions.
Dissemination Plan
The introductory posters to the project
The notice board illustrates the objectives, methods and results of the project.
Positioned at the project testing places and stakeholder areas, promote the LIFE BIOREST identity to the general public and supports awareness-raising actions in terms of environmental pollution and soil protection.
Notice board, 10.2016
Logo download | Brand Logo usage Guidelines
Annex LIFE BIOREST Brand usage Guideline sheet