The project started on 1st July 2016, has a duration of three years and is divided in 3 main “technical implementation”. Actions:
The first phase of the project is aimed at selecting a library of bacteria and fungi (strains) “with high pollutant” degradation capacity by a screening process. Individual strains or selected microbial consortia are produced in the volumes required for experimental tests (microcosms and mesocosms) and / or for field application.
The second phase of the project is aimed at the creation af a microorganisms production protocol on industrial scale (bioaugmentation) for the remediation of ca. 400 m³ of soil. To make the entire process economically convenient and effective, it is also provided the culture conditions optimization and a production costs analysis.
The second phase of the project is aimed at the treatment of the target site by “biopiles”.The soil treatment provides the application of bioaugmentated microorganisms (mixture of selected strains), and then the soil revegetation, after being back to its original ecological functions. Revegetation of the area is performed by selecting ecologically adapted plant species.
Method effectiveness evaluation is ensured by a “monitoring” Action of chemical-analytical, microbiological and ecotoxicological the degradation of the pollutants parameters. Process sustainability is also guaranteed by a continuous assessment of the environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions (Life Cycle Assessment).
The “technical implementation” and “monitoring” Actions are related to an intensive dissemination and communication strategy, in order to increase the stakeholders engagement, such as citizens, schools, scientific community and public authorities.