
Soil Protection Strategy Kick-off meeting

EASME - European Commission

Bruxelles, October 14, 2016

LIFE Biorest took part in the Kick-off meeting organized by the European EASME - Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, for the projects fundend in the LIFE Programme - 2015 in the context of the Thematic Soil Thematic Stategy,
The meeting was an important opportunity to start the networking with 8 projects funded on this subject (6 of which are Italian).
The day saw the active participation of experts from EASME and NEEMO Agency responsible for monitoring, who explained the main European policies to which the various projects, provided input in order to increase the impact of the expected results and operational guidelines to optimize communication, financial management, the mobilization of actions in support of European policies. The day took part Ilaria Re, coordinator of LIFE BIOREST project, who outlined the main research lines of the project, the arrangements for involvement of strakeholder and the expected impact with respect to European policies.

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