
Identification of the project target area, the exploratory investigation

Fidenza, Polo Ex-Carbochimica

July 2016

LIFE BIOREST testing activity is included in the remedition project of the Site of National Interest (SIN) "Ex-Carbochimica" of the city of Fidenza. The “Ex-Carbochimica” area is a vast industrial complex of about 80,000 square meters affected for over 100 years from the manufacture of chemical products derived from the processing of crude oil and heavily compromised by toxic substances such as chlorinated solvents, phenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that have left on the ground a heavy legacy. The experimental remediation conducted by LIFE BIOREST will cover approximately 400 m³ of soil.
The municipal government, which acquired the area following the failure of the Carbochimica company, initiated in 2009 an intensive remediation work, whose first phase involved the demolition of tanks, structures, facilities and above-ground buildings. An impressive work that is now preparing for a second phase, focused on soil remediation, soil and groundwater.
The municipal intervention, thanks to the financial support of local and national resources, aims to restore and enhance the site as "Ecologically Equipped Productive Area", within the parameters set by the Region Emilia Romagna. The area will be returned to the city and to the production system and will be able to provide all the answers to local businesses needing new spaces for innovating its production processes, streamline logistics, improve the image, describe the working conditions and safety.

area target

area target

polo ex carbonchimica

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